
Rhopoint ID Imaging Transmission Appearance Meter

Industries & Applications
  • Glass
  • Packaging

The Rhopoint ID – More than just a haze meter

The Rhopoint ID is an instrument that can measure what the eye can see. It quantifies the see-through qualities of materials in a method that can be matched to real world conditions with results highly correlated to customer perception. It also measures small sample sizes that cannot be measured with a traditional haze meter.

The unique Rhopoint ID method fully characterises the transparency of a material in a single measurement.

Measurement parameters:

  • Haze
  • Sharpness
  • Anisotropic Sharpness (Only available with Rhopoint ID-L version)
  • Clarity
  • Waviness
  • Distance Dependent Haze
  • Visible Transmittance

Benefits of the ID

Why measure the appearance quality of transparent materials?

Objects made from transparent materials are common in everyday life, clear plastic is used in packaging film and drinks bottles, windowpanes and windshields are made from glass, mobile phones are protected by a clear protective display.

The function of transparent materials is often to form a barrier which allows a clear view of a protected object or a scene beyond it. Manufactured products however, are rarely perfectly transparent-inhomogenieties in base material, surface texture caused during manufacture or scratches and abrasion reduce see-through quality.

As these effects can reduce the perceived quality and functionality it is important that they are accurately quantified. Accurate measurement provides opportunities to optimise materials or processes during manufacture.

Materials with high optical quality have low visual impact on objects viewed through them. The material itself is visually unobtrusive and almost invisible to the observer.

A hazy material causes colour seen through the material to appear washed out or faded. The severity of this loss of contrast is often related to the size of the gap between the object and the material.

A material which blurs the view of objects has low sharpness- this effect can be directional causing a visible pattern to be seen in the material.

Materials with poor optical qualities are visually intrusive and can be described as milky or opalescent. Patterns and texture which may be visible in the material drastically blur viewed objects.

The Rhopoint ID measurement technology (patent pending) was jointly developed with Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich.

Measuring the transparency of materials ensures products are seen by the consumer correctly

Increases quality

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Reduces wastage

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Increases customer perception

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Optimises manufacturing processes

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How does the Rhopoint ID work?

Inside the Rhopoint ID

Light passes through material covering the graticule and reaches the camera where it is converted into a reading.

Measurement Parameters of the Rhopoint ID

Haze = 0%
Haze = 30%
Haze = 0%
Haze = 30%


Haze: quantifies the loss of contrast